Oledcomm & SPIE ICS: towards more responsible digital tech

How Oledcomm and SPIE ICS collaborate to offer innovative education and responsible digital technology.

Oledcomm & SPIE


For the past three years, Oledcomm and SPIE ICS have been working hand in hand, forging a strong partnership that has yielded remarkable results. We had the privilege of delving into an interview with Emmanuel Houdaille, Director of Innovation, as he sheds light on the collaboration between these two innovative companies. Discover the story behind this collaboration and the exciting possibilities that lie ahead.

What opportunity led SPIE ICS and Oledcomm to collaborate?

SPIE and Oledcomm became partners 3 years ago. It all started with a high school in the Centre Val de Loire region that wanted to explore  LiFi as an alternative to WiFi. This initial collaboration proved to be a technical, operational, and commercial success, thus solidifying the partnership between our two companies.

If you were to summarize the benefits of Oledcomm's LiFi technology in just three words, how would you describe them?

In my view, there are three key advantages that make LiFi a pivotal component of a responsible digital approach:

  • Security: With a signal that does not pass through walls and robust authentication control via administration software and a USB key.
  • Children's Health: As a major concern, the absence of radio waves and electromagnetic radiation in the LiFiMAXEducation solution is an appealing feature, especially for elementary schools.
  • Energy Efficiency: These solutions have low energy consumption, which, when combined with circadian lighting, contributes to the energy sobriety of an establishment.
What common values do you see between Oledcomm and SPIE ICS?

Both of us seek the added value of technical innovations in specific use cases. Our focus is not on technology for technology's sake. We believe that innovation should be customer-centric and address concrete problems. LiFi has its place alongside or as an alternative to WiFi.

How does Oledcomm and its LiFi technology fit into the SPIE ICS' innovation strategy?

SPIE ICS excels in developing complex and customized offerings, which often present challenges to overcome. During the design and deployment phases, these challenges foster innovation under pressure. SPIE ICS creates these innovations internally, leveraging its own staff, or collaborates with technology partners like Oledcomm.
For instance, the ABEILLE law, which bans electromagnetic wave emissions in daycare centers, presented an excellent use case. Only LiFi enables daycare employees to provide the necessary connectivity for management applications (attendance logs, communication with parents) and educational applications on tablets for children.

What potential do you see in LiFi technology?

LiFi technology holds tremendous potential whenever wireless connectivity is required, and WiFi is not an option. This opens up numerous opportunities in sectors such as defense, space, industry, healthcare, education, and early childhood.

- E. Houdaille


The partnership between Oledcomm and SPIE ICS stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and the pursuit of technological advancements. Together, we have harnessed the potential of LiFi technology, offering secure, efficient, and sustainable solutions to various industries. As we continue to explore new use cases and push the boundaries of innovation, the future of wireless connectivity is being shaped. With LiFi's immense potential in sectors like defense, space, industry, healthcare and education, we can expect to witness even greater transformations in the digital landscape !


Contact us for more information about our LiFi solutions


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